- afib
- mechanical valves
- bleeding to death: administer fresh frozen plasma (FFP) stat and give vit K (takes some days to work)
- only elevated INR (no active bleeding): hold coumadin, and give vit K if INR dangerously high
- can be given as oral tabs (patient not subjected to shots all the time)
- takes a couple of days to reach a therapeutic level
- hard to reverse
- hard to regulate
- Warfarin skin necrosis (happens because protein c and s are the first to go, leaving factors 10, 9, 7, and 2 unopposed = proclotting phenomenon)
- DVT/PE (occurred in hospital)
- acute MI
- non-hemorrhagic stroke
- bleeding to death = administer protamine sulfate!
- increased PTT = stop heparin
- rapid action
- easy to monitor
- easy to reverse
- pregnant woman can use it
- IV/SC only
- have to administer often (8 hours and with minimal gaps between administration to prevent thrombus formation [system overreacts in absence of heparin])
- variable response to same dose
- heparin induced thrombocytopenia (HIT): platelets drop down about 50% in a few days (<50,000). absolutely NO HEPARIN PRODUCTS
- thrombosis (arterial or wacky venous thrombosis)
- treat HIT by withholding ALL heparin products, argatroban, lepirudin. not even enoxaparin can be administered coz can cause HIT 5% of time.
- acute MI
- pregnant women with DVT
- Active bleeding give FFP and stop treatment with drug
- pregnant women can use it
- longer t1/2
- no monitoring (dose according to weight and get results)
- SC
- needs dose adjustment if patient hasRF
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