Tuesday, 2 November 2010

pharma calculations recall

let's go over the 4 most basic pharma equations:

  1. Vd (volume of distribution) = concentration of drug given (IV) / concentration of drug in plasma

    you have to take bioavailability (how much of the drug is subjected to first pass metabolism) into account if drug is not given IV.
  2. clearance = (0.7 x Vd)/ t1/2
                                or    K x Vd  (where K = elimination constant = 0.7 / t1/2 )
  3. loading dose = concentration of steady state x Vd
    *conc of steady state = desired conc
  4. maintenance dose = (concentration of steady state x clearance) / bioavailability                    
so for maintenance doses, you can see from the equation that it is determined by clearance. why do you need to know this? clearance rates are affected in patients with renal/ hepatic disease. in a patient with renal disease, maintenance dose is DECREASED (coz clearance is decreased), but Vd remains the same (does not depend on kidney function), therefore loading dose remains the same.

t1/2 is the amount of time it takes for a drug to reach 1/2 it's plasma concentration.

if you infuse a drug, it takes 4t1/2s to achieve a steady state of 94%. likewise, it take 4t/12s for 94% of said drug to be eliminated.

(remember that 1t1/2 = 50% of conc, 2t1/2s = 75% [50% + 25%], 3t1/2s = 87.5% and 4 t1/2s = 94%)

on my next post, we'll touch elimination constants and drug metabolism.

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